5 Great Online Apps and Services for Business User

online apps for business

Top online apps for business users

The Internet has revolutionized the way people interact and do business with each other, and things are just getting started, with the really good stuff scheduled to come in the following years. It’s no secret that you can work online and make quite a lot of money as a freelancing individual, but the real money is in creating a good, long term business.

There are quite a few startups and small businesses working online, and of course, there are a lot of services and apps that can help them do everything faster and better. If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, here are a few great services and cloud apps that can help you with your work:

Basecamp. Basecamp is the most popular and the most recommended online project collaboration tool. It is perfect for any entrepreneurs, small business owners and even big corporations who want to be able to stay up to date on a project while having the employees all over the world or without having to schedule regular face to face meetings, which take time and resources. Basecamp lets you communicate in real time, share files and ideas on a whiteboard, comment on anything and schedule and assign tasks to anyone within the group.

Google Docs. Google’s Docs suite is very popular with individuals and businesses around the world. The service lets you create, edit, share and store any kinds of documents, and they’re always easily accessible using a Web browser or any app that can remotely connect to the service through Google’s API. You can create Word documents, spreadsheets and even presentation using a nice and clean interface, then share them with anyone from your team without any pesky file transfers or online meetings.

Microsoft Office 365. Microsoft’s Office 365 is like Google Docs, only geared more towards collaborative work and with a more powerful set of software. Office 365 offers the same functionality as the Office Suite, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and several other tools, only you don’t have to install anything or store the files on your computer – everything is stored on Microsoft’s cloud and is accessible anytime, anywhere and by anyone in your group. The service is paid, but if you want to be able to work on a document or presentation together with other people, it may be worth the investment.

Mozy. Mozy was one of the first companies to offer remote file storage and backup services, and it’s still going strong nowadays. You can get enough storage to save all of your important data and/or share it with other people, and the company has a few special tools (for multiple platforms) to make synchronization easy and quick. The pricing is also more accessible than that of other competitors, which is always welcome.

Google AdWords. Google AdWords is the number one search marketing service on the Internet. It lets you advertise on Google Search, the largest search engine online, and it’s a very important tool for getting business leads and sales – every company that has an online presence should know how to use AdWords, in my opinion. You can also use AdWords to display ads on millions of sites running AdSense ads, which gives you a much larger coverage at even lower prices.

There are many other great services that can help you start and run a successful business online, with the above five-o being just the beginning. The cloud apps niche is also pretty new, so expect to see a lot more software that only requires an Internet connection to run in the near future.


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